Purchasing Plan Management

The Annual Procurement Plan (PAAP) represents the central element of the ProcessPlayer information system. In this section, you will have a real-time view of the PAAP with access to the following actions and information:

  • Add: Adding a position to the PAAP.
  • Export: Exporting all PAAP positions in CSV format.
  • Export Complex Procedures: Exporting an extract from the PAAP containing the positions from the Plan for which the implementation of a complex procedure has been envisaged.
  • Direct Purchases Export: Annex to the PAAP containing the positions from the plan for which the implementation of a Direct Purchase has been envisaged.
  • Total Estimated Value: Sum of the estimated values of all positions in the PAAP in real-time.
  • Edit PAAP Position: In case no items contained in the necessity reports have been loaded onto the respective position, it can be fully edited. Additionally, the position can be deleted from the PAAP. If items have been loaded onto the respective PAAP position, the edit action allows for increasing/decreasing the estimated value and modifying the applied procurement procedure and start/end dates.
  • Threshold values applicable to public procurement procedures will be taken into account at the PAAP level.

INFO – At the level of each position in the PAAP, you will have access to a management section from a quantitative and a financial perspective:

  • Loaded Items: All items loaded onto the respective position with details regarding the originating department, quantities, and estimated values.
  • Associated Orders: All orders of the loaded items with details regarding the supplier from which they were purchased, quantities, and actual procurement values (see section 4.e).
  • Position Modification Form: When adding, modifying, or deleting a PAAP position, a form will be generated. The forms will be available in chronological order, providing a record of all changes made to the position.